Mathematics simplified with graphics S.1
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- File Size 1.45 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date September 26, 2020
- Last Updated February 9, 2021
This handbook contains four senior one Mathematics topics aligned to suit the new 2020 Ugandan syllabus and have been selected purposely to educate our learners and teachers that use of graphics simplifies the subject. Topics selected are; Ratios and Percentages which specifically describe ratios, percentages, conversions of percentages to fractions and vice versa. The topic is illustrated by different graphics that makes it easy for learners to understand. The business Arithmetic topic describes different jargons and calculations in business such as profit, loss, discount, commission and simple interest. This topic also is graphically presented to interest every reader. The third topic is Time that teaches us telling and converting time using the 12 and 24 clock. The topic helps us to apply the understanding of time in a range of relevant real life contexts. The last topic contains numerous illustrations that teach types and operations of fractions. Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing of fractions is graphically presented and motivates a reader to navigate through the topic. Do not miss opening this free handbook and appreciate that Mathematics is indeed a simple subject.
By the end of the handbook, the learner should be able to: