Selected Journal Publications

  1. Musiimenta A, Tumuhimbise W, Mugaba AT, Muzoora C, Armstrong-Hough M, Bangsberg D, Davis JL, Haberer JE. (2019), Digital Monitoring Technologies Could enhance Tuberculosis Medication Adherence in Uganda: Mixed Methods Study, Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases, doi:
  2. Musiimenta, A., Tumuhimbise, W., Atukunda, E.C., Mugaba, A.T., Muzoora, C., Armstrong-Hough, M., Bangsberg, D., Davis, J.L. and Haberer, J.E., 2020. Mobile Health Technologies May Be Acceptable Tools for Providing Social Support to Tuberculosis Patients in Rural Uganda: A Parallel Mixed-Method Study. Tuberculosis Research and Treatment, 2020.
  3. Subbaraman R, de Mondesert L, Musiimenta A, et al. Digital adherence technologies for the management of tuberculosis therapy: mapping the landscape and research priorities. BMJ Glob Health 2018;3:e001018. doi:10.1136/ bmjgh-2018-001018
  4. Musiimenta A, Atukunda EC, Tumuhimbise W, and Haberer JE (2018): Resilience after withdrawing a technology-based medication adherence support intervention from people living with HIV in rural Uganda, AIDS Care, DOI: 1080/09540121.2018.1510107
  5. Musiimenta, A., Atukunda, E.C., Tumuhimbise, W., Pisarski, E.E., Tam, M., Wyatt, M.A., Ware, N.C. and Haberer, J.E., 2018. Acceptability and feasibility of real-time antiretroviral therapy adherence interventions in rural Uganda: mixed-method pilot randomized controlled trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 6(5), p.e122.
  6. Haberer JE, Musiimenta A, Atukunda EC, Musinguzi N, Wyatt MA, Ware NC, Bangsberg DR. (2016). SMS reminders plus real-time adherence monitoring improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy in rural Uganda.
  7. Atukunda EC, Musiimenta A, Musinguzi N, Wyatt MA, Ashaba J, Ware NC, Haberer JE. (2016). Understanding patterns of social support and their relationship to an ART adherence intervention among adults in rural southwestern Uganda. AIDS and Behavior, DOI 10.1007/s10461-016-1559-7
  8. Campbell, J. I., Eyal, N., Musiimenta, A., Burns, B., Natukunda, S., Musinguzi, N., & Haberer, J. E. (2018). Ugandan Study Participants Experience Electronic Monitoring of Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence as Welcomed Pressure to Adhere. AIDS Behav. doi: 10.1007/s10461-018-2200-8
  9. Campbell JI, Musiimenta A, Burns B, Natukunda S, Musinguzi N, Haberer JE, Eyal N. (2018). The importance of how research participants think they are perceived: results from an electronic monitoring study of antiretroviral therapy in Uganda. AIDS Care, doi: 10.1080/09540121.2018.1556381
  10. Campbell JI, Haberer HE, Musiimenta A, Eyal N.(2018) Dependence on Digital Medicine in Resource-Limited Settings, The American Journal of Bioethics, 18:9, 54-56, DOI: 1080/15265161.2018.1498949
  11. Campbell JI, Eyal N, Musiimenta A, Haberer JE. Ethical Questions in Electronic Adherence Monitoring. JGIM, Journal of General Internal Medicine; 2015.
  12. MusiimentaA, Campbell JI, Tumuhimbise W, Burns B, Atukunda EC, Eyal N, Haberer JE. (2020) Electronic Adherence Monitoring May Facilitate Intentional HIV Status Disclosure among People Living with HIV in Rural Southwestern Uganda. AIDS and Behavior, Under Review.
  13. Musiimenta, A., Tumuhimbise, W., Mugyenyi, G., Katusiime, J., Atukunda, E. and Pinkwart, N., 2020. A Mobile Phone-based Multimedia Application Could Improve Maternal Health in Rural Southwestern Uganda: Mixed Methods Study. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 12(1).
  14. Tumuhimbise W, Atukunda EC, Ayebaza S, Katusiime J, Mugyenyi G, Pinkwart N, Musiimenta (2020) Maternal Health-related Barriers, and the Potentials of Mobile Health Technologies: Qualitative Findings from a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial in Rural South western Uganda. J Family Med Prim Care 2020;9:3657-62.
  15. Musiimenta A, Tumuhimbise W, Pinkwart N, Katusiime J, Mugyenyi G, Atukunda (2020) A Mobile phone-based Multimedia Intervention to support Maternal Health is acceptable and feasible among Illiterate Pregnant Women in Uganda: Qualitative findings from a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Digital Health Journal, Under review.
  16. Atukunda EC, Mugyenyi G, Musiimenta A, Obua C, Agaba E, Ware NC, and Matthews L. (2020). Women’s choice to deliver at home: Understanding the psycho-social and cultural factors influencing birthing choices for unskilled home delivery amongst women in south western Uganda, Journal of Pregnancy.
  17. Atukunda EC, Mugyenyi G, Musiimenta A, Obua C, Agaba E, Ware NC, and Matthews L. (2020). Sustained and structured family planning support facilitates effective use of postpartum contraception amongst women living with HIV in South Western Uganda: A randomized controlled trial, PLOS Medicine,.
  18. Musiimenta, A.Social & Institutional issues in the Adoption of School-based Technology-aided Sexual Health Education Program. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 2013, 5(2).
  19. Musiimenta, A. A Controlled Before-After Evaluation a computer-based HIV/AIDS education on Students’ Sexual Behaviours, Knowledge and Attitudes. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 2012, 4(1).
  20. Musiimenta, A. Contextual Mediators influencing the Effectiveness of Behavioural Change Interventions: A Case of HIV/AIDS Prevention Behaviours. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 2012, 4(2).
  21. Musiimenta, A. Information Technology-Mediated Issues in Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Education. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 2012, 53(3).